

Virtual reality visualization specialist
Emerging Technologies Group, Duderstadt Center, University of Michigan
Developing software for 3-D simulation and visualization in virtual and augmented reality environments, including the Michigan Immersive Digital Experience Nexus (MIDEN), Stereo Wall, Tiled Display, Oculus Rift, Microsoft HoloLens.  Using: Assimp, GDAL, VRML, OpenSG, OpenXR, NVIDIA PhysX, FMOD, VRPN, ZeroMQ, Microsoft Visual Studio; C++, C, GCScript, XML, HTML, CSS; Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8.1, 10.


Research associate
School of Architecture, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Led a computer science studio and developed software for ubiquitous social computing and creative collaboration between architecture and computer science students.  Using: Microsoft Visual Studio; C#; Microsoft Windows XP and Vista.


Instructor (part time adjunct)
Department of Architecture, University of Hong Kong
Taught web development to graduate architecture students.  Using: HTML, VRML, JavaScript, Macromedia Flash and ActionScript.


Postdoctoral fellow; Research officer
Department of Architecture, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Developed software for scientific visualization and virtual reality in architecture.  Using: Fluent CFD, OpenInventor, OpenGL; C, C++, JavaScript, HTML, CSS; SGI IRIX, IBM AIX, SunOS.  Prepared project proposals and progress reports.  Advised thesis students.


Systems research programmer
Architecture and Planning Research Laboratory, University of Michigan
Developed software for building modeling and analysis, geometric modeling, graphic interaction, peripheral device support.  Using: FORTRAN, C, PostScript; Michigan Terminal System (IBM and Amdahl mainframes), Apollo Aegis, UNIX (BSD and SysV variants).


Architectural apprentice (summers)
Artur I. Losse, Architect (Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA)
Drafting, site visits, sketching and photography, meeting with clients, contractors, and engineers.


Engineering aide (seasonal)
Michigan Department of State Highways and Transportation
Survey crew, weigh station operator, culvert and road repair inspection.

Consultancies and Works for Hire


Visiting research scholar (August 14 - September 8)
School of Architecture and Building, Deakin University (Geelong, Victoria, Australia)
Developed static visualizations of measured lighting values (lux, color temperature) for workplace analyses by the Mobile Architecture and Built Environment Laboratory (MABEL).  Using: Microsoft Excel; VBA, FORTRAN.


Invited participant
NASA “Live-Aboard Artificial-Gravity Studies Workshop” (June 14-15)
Develop requirements for the 52-foot centrifuge at Ames Research Center.


Art Institute of Chicago
Authored essay, “Gravity, Space, and Architecture,” for the exhibition catalog, 2001: Building for Space Travel.

Professional Development


Bentley Systems Inc.
Generative Components workshop.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Optimal Design in Multidisciplinary Systems, professional development course.


Gehry Technologies Asia (Hong Kong)
VBA scripting in DigitalProject, CATIA, and Excel.



University of Michigan
Dissertation: “The Architecture of Artificial-Gravity Environments for Long-Duration Space Habitation.”


M.Arch. “with distinction”
University of Michigan
Inducted into Tau Sigma Delta, honor society in architecture, 1980.


B.S. (Arch.)
University of Michigan


A.S. (Arch.)
Grand Rapids Junior College



AIAAAmerican Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.  Senior member.  Chair, Space Architecture Technical Committee, 2010-2014.  Organizer and Chair, Space Architecture sessions, International Conference on Environmental Systems, 2007-2010, 2013-2014.  Co-chair (with Marc M. Cohen and A. Scott Howe), 1st Space Architecture Symposium, 2002. 


CAADRIAComputer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia.  Conference paper technical reviewer.


SSISpace Studies Institute.  Winner, O’Neill Prize, 1993.


ACADIAAssociation for Computer Aided Design in Architecture.  Steering Committee member, 2004-2008 as well as several previous terms.  Membership Coordinator, 2005-2008 and previously 1988-1991.  Conference paper technical reviewer.



Software development for multi-modal, multi-display, virtual and augmented reality environments.  Emerging Technologies Group, Duderstadt Center, University of Michigan.


The Architecture of Artificial-Gravity Environments for Long-Duration Space Habitation.  Doctoral dissertation, peer-reviewed papers, and software.


Generative Components and Genetic Algorithms.  With Monica Ponce de Leon (principal investigator), Peter von Bülow, Jason Dembski, Kevin Deng.  Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning and UM3D Lab, University of Michigan.


Comprehending bioinformatics networks in immersive virtual reality.  With Suresh K. Bhavnani (principal investigator), Arun Ganesan, Eric MaslowskiCenter for Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics and UM3D Lab, University of Michigan.


Fostering Creativity in Ubiquitous Social Computing through Casual and Formal Interactions in Interdisciplinary Design Studios.  With Wassim Jabi (principal investigator), Katia Passerini, Cristian Borcea, Quentin Jones.  Grant number 0714158, National Science Foundation, USA.


Scientific visualization of measured lighting values for intensity and color temperature at the work plane.  With Mark Luther (principal investigator), Mobile Architecture & Built Environment Laboratory (MABEL), School of Architecture and Building, Deakin University.


Environmentally Responsible Architecture and Urban Context – Multidisciplinary Research Partnership for a Quality Living Environment.  With Jin-Yeu Tsou (principal investigator) et al., Department of Architecture, Chinese University of Hong Kong.  1% Top-Sliced Fund, Chinese University of Hong Kong.


Integrating Scientific Visualization into the Architectural Curriculum for Teaching Environmental Technology and Building Performance.  With Jin-Yeu Tsou (principal investigator) et al., Department of Architecture, Chinese University of Hong Kong.  Teaching development grant, sponsored by the University Grants Committee, Hong Kong.


Applications of Computer Simulation to the Development of an Architectural Prototype for Electricity Substations.  With Jin-Yeu Tsou (principal investigator) et al., Department of Architecture, Chinese University of Hong Kong.  Sponsored by CLP Power Hong Kong, Limited.


Process Control Simulator for Transmission Switch Gear Operation.  With Jin-Yeu Tsou (principal investigator), Jeff Kan, Benny Chow, Chris Lo, Chun Hung Siu.  Sponsored by China Light and Power Company, Limited.


Computer Support for Collaborative Conceptual Design of Buildings.  With Wassim Jabi (principal investigator).  University mainline research.


PHIST: Pathfinder Human Intelligent Systems Testbed.  With Colin Clipson (principal investigator), Katarina Tomovič, Iwonka Piotrowska, Paula Bousley.  Sponsored by NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California.


HVAC duct sizing and analysis system.  Sponsored by Intercad Corporation, Annapolis, Maryland.


CAEADS: Computer Aided Engineering and Architectural Design System.  With Harold J. Borkin (principal investigator), James A. Turner, P. Lynn Borema, Robert E. Johnson, John F. McIntosh.  Sponsored by the Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Champaign, Illinois.

Publications and Presentations


Hall, Theodore W. (2023).  Architectural Concepts for Future Orbital Stations: Artificial Gravity (Lecture 5.2).  In, Space Architecture: Designing an Orbital Habitation System: Challenges and Consequences (on-demand short course).  Reston, Virginia, USA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Space Architecture Technical Committee (SATC).   Order 


Hall, Theodore W. (2022 December 5).  Gravity, Space, and Architecture.  Invited presentation, in S. Häuplik-Meusburger (organizer), Emerging Fields in Architecture.  Vienna, Austria: Technische Universität Wien YouTube 

Hall, Theodore W. (2022 May 29).  Practical Principles of Artificial Gravity.  Invited presentation, International Space Development Conference (ISDC), Arlington, Virginia, USA, 27-29 May 2022.  Washington, DC, USA: National Space Society.


Hall, Theodore W. (2021).  ‘Planet of People’ Feasibility Study: Let’s Try To Put Some Numbers on This.  In M. Batakytė, J. Urbonas (Eds.), Lithuanian Space Agency: Annual Report no. 1 (p. 139-144).  Vilnius, Lithuania: Six Chairs Books PDF    Order 


Hall, Theodore W. (2020 November 17).  Artificial Gravity: Why Centrifugal Force is a Bad Idea (AIAA 2020-4112).  AIAA ASCEND 2020 Forum, virtual event, 16-18 November 2020.  Reston, Virginia, USA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics PDF    Order    MP4 

Hall, Theodore W. (2020 November 17).  Artificial Gravity: What’s Wrong With This Picture? (oral presentation).  AIAA ASCEND 2020 Forum, virtual event, 16-18 November 2020.   MP4 

Hall, Theodore W. (2020 April 10).  Artificial Gravity in Interstellar Travel.  In, Acta Futura (no. 12, p. 103-119).  Paris, France: European Space Agency.  [Presented at the ESA ESTEC Interstellar Workshop, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 20-21 June 2019.]   PDF 


Howe, A. Scott; Sherwood, Brent; Hall, Theodore W.; Landau, Damon (2019 July).  Gateway Gravity Testbed (GGT) (ICES-2019-023).  49th International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 7-11 July 2019.  Lubbock Texas, USA: Texas Tech University PDF 

Hu, Xiao-Su; Nascimento, Thiago D.; Bender, Mary C.; Hall, Theodore W.; Petty, Sean; O'Malley, Stephanie; Ellwood, Roger P.; Kaciroti, Niko; Maslowski, Eric; DaSilva, Alexandre F. (2019 June 28).  Feasibility of a Real-Time Clinical Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence Framework for Pain Detection and Localization From the Brain.  In, Journal of Medical Internet Research (vol. 21, no. 6).  Toronto, Ontario, Canada: JMIR Publications Inc.  doi:10.2196/13594   PDF 


Hall, Theodore W. (2018 October 31).  Architecting Artificial Gravity for Human Health Off-Planet.  Invited presentation, President’s Symposium, American Society for Gravitational and Space Research, Bethesda, Maryland, USA, 31 October - 3 November 2018.


Globus, Al; Hall, Theodore W. (2017 June).  Space Settlement Population Rotation Tolerance.  In, NSS Space Settlement Journal.  Washington, DC, USA: National Space Society PDF 


Hall, Theodore W. (2016 July).  Artificial Gravity in Theory and Practice (ICES-2016-194).  46th International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES), Vienna, Austria, 10-14 July 2016.  Lubbock Texas, USA: Texas Tech University PDF 

Hall, Theodore W. (2016 June).  Artificial Gravity and Implications for Space Architecture.  In S. Häuplik-Meusburger, O. Bannova, Space Architecture Education for Engineers and Architects: Designing and Planning Beyond Earth (Section 4.5, p. 133-149).  New York, New York, USA: Springer Order 


Hall, Theodore W. (2015 December 3).  Architecture for Artificial Gravity.  Invited presentation, Students for the Exploration and Development of Space, University of Michigan chapter (SEDS@UM), Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.   YouTube 

Hall, Theodore W. (2015 October 16).  Architecture for Artificial Gravity.  Invited presentation, New Worlds Institute 2015 Conference, Austin, Texas, USA.


DaSilva, Alexandre F.; Nascimento, Thiago D.; Love, Tiffany; DosSantos, Marcos F.; Martikainen, Ilkka K.; Cummiford, Chelsea M.; DeBoer, Misty; Koeppe, Robert A.; Hall, Theodore W.; Petty, Sean; Maslowski, Eric; Smith, Yolanda R.; Zubieta, Jon-Kar (2014).  3D-Neuronavigation in Vivo through a Patient’s Brain during a Spontaneous Migraine Headache.  In, Journal of Visualized Experiments (no. 88).  Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: JoVE.  doi:10.3791/50682   HTML 


Hall, Theodore W.; Navvab, Mojtaba; Maslowski, Eric; Petty, Sean (2011 November).  Virtual Reality as a Surrogate Sensory Environment.  In T. Gulrez, A. E. Hassanien (Eds.), Advances in Robotics and Virtual Reality (Chapter 11, p. 251-273).  Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag PDF    Order 


Hall, Theodore W. (2010 November 17).  The Architecture of Artificial-Gravity Habitats.  Future In-Space Operations (FISO) Working Group presentation.   PDF 

Bhavnani, Suresh K.; Ganesan, Arunkumaar; Hall, Theodore W.; Maslowski, Eric; Eichinger, Felix; Martini, Sebastian; Saxman, Paul; Bellala, Gowtham; Kretzler, Matthias (2010 November).  Discovering Hidden Relationships Between Renal Diseases and Regulated Genes Through 3D Network Visualizations.  In, BMC Research Notes (vol. 3, no. 296, p. 1-9).  London, England, UK: BioMed Central HTML    PDF 

Andreatta, Pamela B.; Maslowski, Eric; Petty, Sean; Shim, Woojin; Marsh, Michael E.; Hall, Theodore W.; Stern, Susan; Frankel, Jennifer M. (2010 August).  Virtual-Reality Triage Training Provides a Viable Solution for Disaster Preparedness.  In, Academic Emergency Medicine (vol. 17, no. 8, p. 870-876).  Hoboken, New Jersey, USA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Luther, Mark; Hall, Theodore W. (2010 July).  Exergy Applied to Lunar Base Design (AIAA 2010-6107).  40th International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES), Barcelona, Spain, 11-15 July 2010.  Reston, Virginia, USA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics PDF    Order 

Bhavnani, Suresh K.; Ganesan, Arunkumaar; Hall, Theodore W.; Maslowski, Eric; Eichinger, Felix; Martini, Sebastian; Saxman, Paul; Scott, C.; Kretzler, Matthias (2010 March).  Exploring the Use of 3D Layouts to Analyze Disease-Gene Networks.  Poster, 2010 AMIA Summit on Translational Bioinformatics, San Francisco, California, USA, 10-12 March 2010.


Hall, Theodore W. (2009).  Artificial Gravity.  In A. S. Howe, B. Sherwood (Eds.), Out of This World: The New Field of Space Architecture (Chapter 12, p. 133-152).  Reston, Virginia, USA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics HTML 


Jabi, Wassim; Hall, Theodore W. (2008).  An Interactive Poster Kiosk for Public Engagement in Cultural Heritage Displays.  In M. Ioannides, A. Addison, A. Georgopoulos, L. Kalisperis (Eds.), VSMM 2008: Digital Heritage (p. 287-291).  14th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, Limassol, Cyprus, 20-26 October 2008.  Budapest, Hungary: Archaeolingua PDF 

Hall, Theodore W.; Jabi, Wassim; Passerini, Katia; Borcea, Cristian; Jones, Quentin (2008).  An Interactive Poster System to Solicit Casual Design Feedback.  In A. Kudless, N. Oxman, M. Swackhamer (Eds.), Silicon + Skin: Biological Processes and Computation (p. 438-445).  28th Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA), Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 16-19 October 2008.   PDF 

Jabi, Wassim; Hall, Theodore W.; Passerini, Katia; Borcea, Cristian; Jones, Quentin (2008 September).  Exporting the Studio Model of Learning: Teaming Architecture with Computer Science.  In M. Muylle (Ed.), Architecture ‘in Computro’ – Integrating Methods and Techniques (p. 509-516).  26th Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe), Antwerp, Belgium, 17-20 September 2008.   PDF 


Hall, Theodore W. (2006 September 19).  Artificial Gravity Visualization, Empathy, and Design  (AIAA 2006-7321).  2nd International Space Architecture Symposium (SAS 2006), AIAA Space 2006 Conference and Exposition, San Jose, California, USA, 19-21 September 2006.  Reston, Virginia, USA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics PDF    Order 

Hall, Theodore W. (2006 September 6).  Visualization in Architecture: Reality and Beyond.  Invited presentation, School of Architecture and Building, Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria, Australia.

Hall, Theodore W. (2006 May 27).  Designing for Artificial Gravity in Orbital Habitats.  Invited presentation, May Forum of Urban Design, From the Earth to the Universe, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China.


Hall, Theodore W. (2005).  The Gravity of Architecture – The Architecture of Gravity.  In A. Ferré, I. Hwang, M. Kubo, R. Prat, T. Sakamoto, A. Tetas (Eds.), Verb: Conditioning (p. 142-147).  Barcelona, Spain: Actar.

Hall, Theodore W. (2005 February 25).  Memoirs of Visualization in Architecture.  Invited presentation, College of Architecture, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA.


Hall, Theodore W. (2004 May 20).  Architectural Design to Promote Human Adaptation to Artificial Gravity.  White paper, submitted in response to the NASA Exploration Systems Enterprise, Request for Information RFI04212004.   PDF 


Tsou, Jin-Yeu; Baniassad, Essy; Zhu, Yimin; Chow, Benny; Hall, Theodore W.; Lim, Bernard (2003 May 2).  Architectural Studies of Air Flow at Amoy Gardens, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong, and its Possible Relevance to the Spread of SARS.  White paper, submitted to the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the World Health Organization PDF 

Hall, Theodore W. (2003 February 6).  Architecture in Artificial Gravity.  Invited presentation, Department of Architecture, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, China.


Howe, A. Scott; Hall, Theodore W.; Vogler, Andreas; Downard, Mireille (2002 October).  Education for Aerospace Architects (AIAA 2002-6121).  1st Space Architecture Symposium (SAS 2002), Houston, Texas, USA, 10-11 October 2002.  Reston, Virginia, USA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Order 

Hall, Theodore W. (2002 October).  Envisioning Artificial Gravity.  Poster, 1st Space Architecture Symposium (SAS 2002), Houston, Texas, USA, 10-11 October 2002.   PDF 

Hall, Theodore W. (2002 July 16).  Architectural Considerations for a Minimum Mass, Minimum Energy, Artificial Gravity Environment (SAE 2002-01-2431).  32nd International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES), San Antonio, Texas, USA, 15-18 July 2002.  Warrendale, Pennsylvania, USA: Society of Automotive Engineers PDF    Order 


Hall, Theodore W. (2001).  Gravity, Space, and Architecture.  In J. Zukowsky (Ed.), 2001: Building for Space Travel (p. 168-174).  New York, New York, USA: Harry N. Abrams, Inc.  [This is a catalog of an exhibition sponsored by the Art Institute of Chicago, 24 March - 21 October 2001, and the Museum of Flight in Seattle, 15 December 2001 - 15 May 2002.]


Hall, Theodore W. (2000 July 10).  Gravity as an Environmental System (SAE 2000-01-2244).  30th International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES), Toulouse, France, 10-13 July 2000.  Warrendale, Pennsylvania, USA: Society of Automotive Engineers PDF    Order 


Hall, Theodore W. (1999 September 29).  Inhabiting Artificial Gravity (AIAA 99-4524).  AIAA Space Technology Conference and Exposition, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 28-30 September 1999.  Reston, Virginia, USA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics HTML    PDF    Order 

Hall, Theodore W. (1999 July).  Artificial Gravity and the Architecture of Orbital Habitats.  In, Journal of the British Interplanetary Society (vol. 52, no. 7-8, p. 290-300).  London, England, UK: British Interplanetary Society.  [Presented at the International Symposium on Space Tourism, Bremen, Germany, 20 March 1997.]   HTML    PDF    Order 


Hall, Theodore W. (1998 September 29).  The Architecture of Artificial-Gravity Environments for Long-Duration Space Habitation.  New member presentation to the Design Engineering Technical Committee, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Anaheim, California, USA.


Hall, Theodore W. (1997 August).  Hand-Eye Coordination in Desktop Virtual Reality.  In R. Junge (Ed.), CAAD Futures 1997 (p. 177-182).  7th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures, Munich, Germany, 4-6 August 1997.  Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.   PDF 

Hall, Theodore W. (1997 April 17).  Hand-Eye Coordination in Virtual Reality, Using a Desktop Display, Stereo Glasses, and a 3-D Mouse.  In Y. T. Liu, J. Y. Tsou, J. H. Hou (Eds.), CAADRIA ’97 (p. 73-82).  2nd Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 17-19 April 1997.  Taipei, Taiwan: Hu’s Publisher Inc.   PDF 


Brown, William L.; Lai, Joseph; Tsou, Jin-Yeu; Hall, Theodore W. (1996 October 24).  Development of a Training Simulator for Transmission Switchgear Operation.  In, Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the Electric Power Supply Industry (CEPSI) (v. 3, p. 590-598).  Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 21-25 October 1996.   PDF 


Jabi, Wassim M.; Hall, Theodore W. (1995 September).  Beyond the Shared Whiteboard: Issues in Computer Supported Collaborative Design.  In M. Tan, R. Teh (Eds.), The Global Design Studio (p. 719-725).  6th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures, Centre for Advanced Studies in Architecture, National University of Singapore, 24-26 September 1995.   PDF 

Jabi, Wassim M.; Hall, Theodore W. (1995 August).  The Role of Computers in Synchronous Collaborative Design.  In, Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Cybernetics (p. 71-76).  Namur, Belgium, 21-25 August 1995.  Association Internationale de Cybernetique.   PDF 

Hall, Theodore W. (1995 May 5).  The Architecture of Artificial Gravity: Theory, Form, and Function in the High Frontier.  In B. Faughnan (Ed.), Space Manufacturing 10: Pathways to the High Frontier (p. 182-192).  12th SSI-Princeton Conference, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, 4-7 May 1995.  Washington, DC, USA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics HTML    PDF 


Hall, Theodore W. (1994 May).  The Architecture of Artificial-Gravity Environments for Long-Duration Space Habitation (University Microfilms 9423117).  Doctoral dissertation (Arch.D.), Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA: University of Michigan HTML    PDF    Order 

Hall, Theodore W. (1994 April).  Designing for Life and Motion in Artificial-Gravity Environments.  SSI Update (vol. 20, no. 2, p. 1-4).  Princeton, New Jersey, USA: Space Studies Institute.


Hall, Theodore W. (1993 May 13).  The Architecture of Artificial Gravity: Archetypes and Transformations of Terrestrial Design.  In B. Faughnan (Ed.), Space Manufacturing 9: The High Frontier – Accession, Development and Utilization (p. 198-209).  11th SSI-Princeton Conference, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, 12-15 May 1993.  Washington, DC, USA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics PDF 

Hall, Theodore W. (1993 March 17).  Doctoral Research in Space Habitat Design.  Invited presentation, School of Architecture, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, sponsored by NASA / USRA University Advanced Design Program.


Hall, Theodore W. (1991 May 16).  The Architecture of Artificial Gravity: Mathematical Musings on Designing for Life and Motion in a Centripetally Accelerated Environment.  In B. Faughnan, G. Maryniak (Eds.), Space Manufacturing 8: Energy and Materials from Space (p. 177-186).  10th Princeton / AIAA / SSI Conference, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, 15-18 May 1991.  Washington, DC, USA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics PDF 


Turner, James A.; Hall, Theodore W. (1990 October 6).  An Application of Geometric Modeling and Ray Tracing to the Visual and Acoustical Analysis of a Municipal Open-Air Auditorium.  In J. P. Jordan (Ed.), From Research to Practice (p. 173-185).  10th Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, Bozeman and Big Sky, Montana, USA, 4-6 October 1990.


Hall, Theodore W. (1988 December 7).  The Architecture of Artificial-Gravity: Rotating Manned Space Stations.  Invited presentation, School of Architecture, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, sponsored by NASA / USRA University Advanced Design Program.


Hall, Theodore W. (1987 October 31).  Space Stations, Computers, and Architectural Design.  In B. J. Novitski (Ed.), Integrating Computers into the Architectural Curriculum (p. 7-18).  7th Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, 30 October - 1 November 1987.

Aerospace System Design, Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan (1987 June 18).  Project CAMELOT: Personnel Transportation System Between Earth and Mars.  3rd Annual Summer Conference of the NASA / USRA University Advanced Design Program, Washington, DC, USA, 17-19 June 1987.

Bollinger, Elizabeth; Fraser, Michael; Hall, Theodore W.; Schmitt, Gerhard (1987 March 16).  CAAD: Linking Studio, Technology, and Research.  Special focus session, ACSA National Meeting, Los Angeles, California, USA.  Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture.


Hall, Theodore W. (1985 November 2).  Design-Aided Computing: Adapting Old Spaces To New Uses.  In P. G. McIntosh (Ed.), ACADIA Workshop ’85 (p. 25-34).  5th Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, Tempe, Arizona, USA, 1-3 November 1985.

Borkin, Harold J.; Turner, James A.; Johnson, Robert E.; Hall, Theodore W.; Borema, P. Lynn; Ozel, Filiz (1985 April).  Computer-Aided Building Design at the University of Michigan.  In A. M. Kemper (Ed.), Pioneers of CAD in Architecture (p. 525-530).  Pacifica, California, USA: Hurland Swenson.


Hall, Theodore W. (1984 October).  A Modeling-to-Drafting Interface.  ACADIA Newsletter (vol. 4, no. 1, p. 23-26).  4th Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, Troy, New York, USA, 2-4 November 1984.


Hall, Theodore W. (1983 December).  CADIA at Michigan.  ACADIA Newsletter (vol. 3, no. 2, p. 6-10).  3rd Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 7-9 October 1983.   PDF 


Turner, James A.; Borema, P. Lynn; Hall, Theodore W. (1982).  ARCH:SKETCH – An Interactive Plan Sketching Program.  Architecture and Planning Research Laboratory, University of Michigan.


Turner, James A.; McIntosh, John F.; Hall, Theodore W. (1981).  A Case Study of Legislative Districting in the State of Michigan: Digitizing Census Unit Polygons and Auditing Plans.  Architecture and Planning Research Laboratory, University of Michigan.